Never Forget: Fifteen Year Anniversary of 9/11

Never Forget…

Fifteen years ago, terrorists boarded four planes, hijacked the pilots, and killed thousands when attempting to destroy several national treasures, including the World Trade Center in New York City.  In spite of those horrific actions, police officers, firefighters, and rescue crews saved thousands more lives with their heroic bravery throughout NYC and DC in which every American life mattered.  That day and the time following, there were no concerns about race, gender or political beliefs when reaching out to help someone or save someone’s life.

Never Forget…

This past weekend, I experienced a variety of emotions during a visit to California due to the passing of one of my family members.   Many a tear was shed missing her; yet we managed to laugh, smile, and hug through lots of stories, memories, and other sharing.   While there is still great sadness in the grief process, her husband and daughter are coping with their grief and letting several family members, including me, love them through the bereavement process as best as we can.

Never Forget…

On the morning of 9/11, we took pictures in front of the tree my cousin planted in honor of my grandfather.  We also reminisced about Grandpa with many stories.  He spent part of his career as a football coach who taught his players, his sons and his grandchildren about teamwork, discipline, and loyalty.  Grandpa also was a role model for being a person of faith.   I fondly recalled how he supported my career choice to become a counselor; he certainly would have been proud of my work fifteen years ago.

Never forget…

The Saturday following 9/11/01, I was assigned to Baltimore-Washington Airport to one of the airlines where my role was to assess and assure pilots and flight attendants of their bravery ensuring that the skies over the United States were ready to resume safe aviation flights home post 9/11 attacks.   Resuming flights was one of the key steps to resuming “normalcy” with our American lives… the ability to travel anywhere in the country without worry.   And this evening on the 15th anniversary, I ensure that my smile and cooperation is readily available to each security officer, TSA agent, airline pilot and flight attendant who will ensure my safety home after a cathartic visit with family.

Never forget…

On a weekend in which many Americans recollect the tragedy associated with 9/11, I was certainly in the right place: traveled by plane across the US to spend time with family that I love with a purpose to help them cope and to honor my cousin’s wife.   I remain very proud of my heritage as a Nelson family member.  And now, I’m heading home to be present with clients that allow me the privilege to support them with their emotional concerns.  And ever grateful to live in the United States, where freedom allows me to travel safely, visit loved ones, pursue a career, and remember and honor those who have touched my life.

Never forget…